Friday, March 28, 2008

Another photo

Thank you Big Edwin for sending in this photo. Looks like it could be the apartment, but it is a little blurry. Anyone else have any other photos to share?


Anonymous said...

Where was this photo taken?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Echo Park to me. That place is creepy. I hear there are murders by the water every night.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's McCarthur Park! Police are always busting people by the park for selling drugs or fake IDs. That would make sense that they would shoot someone by the park

Anonymous said...

dude, it IS LA, I'm sure there was more than one shooting that night...

Anonymous said...

I do not live in L.A. so I don't know anything about where this might be.

I have some family there, I will try to get them to investigate.

Anonymous said...

Where in McCarthur Park? an adress or even a street name will help greatly